NCAA Football

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Staff Sergeant
Apr 15, 2005
Anyone keep up? Michigan got blasted again this week by Oregon, LSU smoked Virginia Tech, OU smacked Miami (Fl.), Texas beat out TCU, and my beloved Aggies seem content with offering every one of its fans post traumatic stress syndrome.

We got a flyover, T-34 Goshawks. Love me some football!
yes isn't it great that my state of all of em pounded Michigan and also Notre Dame got skunked again which is surprising me, but hey for the upbeat colleges ya gotta admit you can't be a senior all 4-5 years, time to fly.

personally I luv the up-sets
Yo Aggie, I watched that A&M game yesterday. The 3 OT's were pretty exciting to watch. Michigan has already mailed in the season! I'm not sure how good the Longhorns are going to be, unless in that 2nd half they finally decided to wake up for the season. I hate OU.
Dont really keep up with College Football but I like UNC Chapel Hill and University of South Carolina because my Niece is a Gamecock.
PSU put it to Notre Dame over the weekend. That made my weekend for sure. GO STATE! (love being an alum of a school with "State" in the name, it makes the cheers that much simpler).
Probably right Sys. Very good team.

But I watched LSU absolutely wipe up the floor with V-Tech. It was impressive. No problem doing it either.

USC/LSU would be a great game.

Just looked at USC's schedule. It's for real. 4 of the teams are ranked starting with Nebraska next week. Same with LSU.

They both won't go undefeated. Not with those schedules.
Thank God, those Pac-10 teams get off easy sometimes. I have no problem seeing a team make #1 if they can prove they have the guts to grind it out.

You're right tim, USC/LSU would be a war. I'd pay good money for something like that.

Texas had trouble with Arkansas State and was challenged by TCU, who is no slouch, but the Longhorns don't seem as strong as they have in the past few years. I would probably hate OU but i've got a brother there so I'm a bit softer on them. My hate is reserved for t.u. I wonder how the Big-12 will stack up.
Big Ten, Big 12 and SEC are always a war. You're right about the Pac 10, they usually skate in and take the cake after everyone else has played football. But USC is a good team, regardless of schedule. Going to have to prove it this year.

I hope LSU and USC go at it in January. That would be a very cool game.
Indeed it would. This weekend they play Nebraska at Lincoln. Should be a great game!

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