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The Pop-Tart Whisperer
Feb 19, 2007
Southern New Jersey
I need some answers or suggestions for a problem I am having.

I am trying to make some DVDs.

Several weeks ago I downloaded off of YouTube some videos (Wings of the Luftwaffe). I was able to make a DVD of the videos using Windows DVD Maker. Everything was fine and I have a DVD of 3 episodes.

Since then I can't make anything.

I tried to make another DVD but after 3% encoding it states an error has occurred and spits out the DVD.

Thinking it was the Windows program I downloaded a freeware DVD maker program. Same 3% eject.

Thinking it was the internal CD/DVD drive, I tried to make a CD (which I have done NUMEROUS times. Same 3% eject.

I thought it might be the movie I was using. Downloaded several others and tried again. Same 3% eject.

I thought it might be some type of protection on the movies so I tried to make a DVD with some private videos made from my camera phone of the band I was in. Same 3% eject.

I thought it was the drive so I bought an external DVD burner. Same 3% eject.

I thought it was the computer, so I hooked up my laptop to the external DVD burner. Same 3% eject.

I thought again it might be write protection on the movies, so I tried the private videos again on the laptop. Same 3% eject.

I am going out of my mind!!!!! Anybody have any ideas? I have ruined 15 blank DVDs so far and its killing me.
1. Check if all these files you want to save on the DVD record are fine ( not damaged ) and of file formats accepted by the Windows DVD Maker.
2. Check if these files are of proper, total time for saving on the disk. I mean the DVD capacity. As mamo serves the WDVDM lets save 150min in total.
3. Go to the bookmark BURN (SAVE) and then MORE OPTION and change the SPEED of burning to slower.
4. Check if your CD/DVD burner can save with DVD-R /DVD+R records. Use the correct disks.

May be this can help.
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Thanks guys. I am narrowing it down. It appears to be 2 things.

1. Youtube or YTD have some sort of write protection. I just burned a video that I made on Windows Movie Maker with bits and pieces of stuff I downloaded from Youtube and it worked. But........

2. I can't seem to save anything longer than 3 minutes with Windows Movie Maker. I just tried to convert/save a movie which it did but at the 3 minute mark the screen and sound froze while the WMP continued to play.

So I have 2 issues I need to figure out.
What happens if you change your pagefile size? or try decreasing the video quality for one video to see if that makes a difference?
What happens if you change your pagefile size? or try decreasing the video quality for one video to see if that makes a difference?
I was thinking the same almost sounds like the memory buffer is too small.

Chris, have you made any changes (added a program, deleted a program, etc.) to the system between the last time you successfully burned a movie and when this problem started?
Chris, What kind of error did you got?

To me it sounds like a buffer underrun, which means that the writebuffer of your dvd player gets empty, e.g. Your computer is too slow in providing data. Try to create an Iso file on your harddisk first, then use a dvd-burn program (Nero etc) to put it on dvd. This is always a good practice as burning the dvd is a tricky buisiness and you want your computer to have full attention when it is doing that.

I myself use a freeware tool called ffmpeg to convert youtube clips to mp4. This usually gets rid of all nastyness in such a file. I then use a tool called devede to create an iso image. This also gives you a nice menu and you can adjust the file if it is too big. Only then I burn it on a dvd.
This is of course on linux. I'm pretty sure ffmpeg is also for windows. DeVeDe I don,t know.
Ok, thanks all. I think I need to find another DVD program. I'm gonna try Marcel's suggestions and see if that works. The file size, etc I have already checked into.

Will let everyone know!

I found ffmpeg for Windows but the installation is so horrible I'm not able to do it.

I found DeVeDe for Windows but the download was corrupted somehow and I can't get it to work.


Anybody know a good freeware DVD /Movie maker?

I found a Freeware called "DVD Flick" which works pretty well but.... the DVD that I burned is unreadable. I'm sure its something I'm missing or not understanding. Its a nice little program.

I found ffmpeg for Windows but the installation is so horrible I'm not able to do it.

I found DeVeDe for Windows but the download was corrupted somehow and I can't get it to work.


Anybody know a good freeware DVD /Movie maker?
Yeah, I use Ubuntu linux, so the OS also provides the installation of the software. Works immediately. On Windows I don't know. Haven't used that OS in 4 years.

Can you not make iso's with moviemaker? If you have a disk image, you can then put it on DVD with your favorite dvd creator.
Touching back on my earlier question, Windows has "restore points" and my thoughts were if you had done a backup between the last successful DVD burn and the time you started having problems, perhaps go to the last restore point to see if that helps eliminate any changes that caused the DVD program to fail.

Just a thought...

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