Need parts for 21st Century bf 109 1/18 scale

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Oct 13, 2013
Eastern NC USA
I recently picked up a 21st century toys bf 109 in 1/18 scale. I need the rudder, horizonal stabilizer and canopy for it. Any suggestions for finding these parts? If anyone has one of these, could I get you to send me a tracing of the stabilizer and rudder? I think I can make these If I can get the drawings... any help will be appreciated!

OK. THX. This is the early variant of the G-6. I can't help with these origin parts for her. But I should have drawings for the type. If you are interested in I can post them here.
Rather no. But I can resize them to the correct scale. Please post the wingspan of the model....
In meantime a shot of the main frame of the rudder without the fabric covering ...

Bf109G ster.jpg
OK. Here you are two PDF files with scanned Bf109G-6 tail. Because your wingspan isn't correct I resized these pictures to the 1/18 scale using both the real wingspan for the scale (the file g6 standard) and the one you posted above (the file g6 big). One of these sets should fit. All pages have to be printed with A4 paper sheets and the size is set for these PDF documents. If there would be any problem with dimensions , the PDF file will let you resize them up or down very easy in order to get the proper sizing.


  • g6 standard.pdf
    72.5 KB · Views: 225
  • g6 big.pdf
    661.8 KB · Views: 186
Many Thanks! Now I need to find a source for the canopy... could this be vacuformed if I could find someone with access to the original?
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Oh.. sorry I have forgotten about the conopy. To be honest you don't need the orginal. You need to make the wooden former. The G-6 cockpit conopy is easy to make from scratch because it isn't of a complicated shape. Please have al look at the thread about how to make a pilot's seat ( the link below ). In the same way you can use for making of the conopy.

Today it is a little bit too late for me to make a scan of the cockpit with the 3-view of 1/18 scale but tomorrow I can do that and post a PDF file. If you want of course.
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That would be great! Many thanks, you've been a big help on this project, as finding parts for these planes seems to be impossible!
Glad I could help. OK.... Tomorrow I'm going to scan the 3-view drawings of the conopy and post it here.
As promised here you are the PDF file with the Bf 109G-6 cockpit conopy. Of course I took into account the different wingspans and there are two scans in the file.
I hope it will help you with making the cockpit conopy.


  • kabina g6.pdf
    65.9 KB · Views: 190

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