New book on the recovery of Brewster Buffalo BW-372

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Mar 16, 2009
As a Naval Aviation enthuiast and an aviation buff I havealways had a great interest
in the Battle of Midway. WhenI heard some years ago that a Brewster Buffalo had
been located I followed the story on the internet as best I could.There was lots of
vague and often times contradictory in-formation out there.

I have been fortunate to come to know a number of menwho flew at Midway.
One of these was Bill brooks, the last American to fly combat in a Buffalo.

When the Buffalo was delivered to NNAM I was fortunateenough to be there and
was one of the first to see it as thecrates were opened. I also got to meet Gary
Villard, theman who got the plane out of Russia. One of my goals was one day to
introduce former Marine Brooks to former Marine Villard and let Brooks see the
Buffalo. Sadley, Mr Brooks passed while the Buffalo was on display in Finland,
so we will never have that chance.

I am fortunate enough to have been able to read the firstchapter of the book.
It wet my appetite to learn the restof the story and I can't wait to get my hands
on a copy. This book will answer a lot of questions people have been wondering
about. Likley, it will raise some others. In any case, it promises to be a fascinating
I have now read the book and can say this thing reads like a
Tom Clancy novel. Amazing stuff; just a real page turner. As
we close on 2011 and the return date of the aircraft to Pensacola,
I look forward to seeing it again at NNAM.

I recommend the book highly. It's expensive, but damn, ten years
to get that airplane....

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