New Dog

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Dark Matter

Jun 23, 2009
I'm thinking about getting a new dog, I want it to be medium sized and I want it to be adapted to the cold and heat and I want it to be a good guard dog.

Any suggestions?
I'd reccomend the German Shephard..... I do not have any personal experiece but (from what I hear) they are adapted to the heat, cold, and they are a good guard dog.:)
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Try a Blue Heeler. I really favor this breed for the reasons you listed above. They make excellent watchdogs, are very loyal, and do not need an overabundance of affection.
And it has to be able to live longer then 10 years.;)
To be honest, your best bet - and I mean this - is to get a mix breed mutt from an animal shelter. Instead of looking for a designer dog to fit your needs, I'm positive that in some cage somewhere is exatly what you are looking for. And he/she wil be loyal to no end because they know where they've been. Instead of spending $600 to $900 on a purebred, spend about $150 at the animal shelter and use the extra money for trainign classes or all the shots you'll need at the vet to make sure that dog makes it to 15 years of age. :)

and count that as money well spent!
I'm thinking about getting a new dog, I want it to be medium sized and I want it to be adapted to the cold and heat and I want it to be a good guard dog.

Any suggestions?

I dont want any shedding either.

I want one that is easy to train. and it cant be over 70 pounds

And it has to be able to live longer then 10 years.;)
Have you considered one of those bronze or porcelain dog statues?

Nice GG


All dogs shed - some less then others. If you keep them combed it really will not be an issue.

The biggest questions are indoor and outdoor, and how often will you be exercising them.
I would get a little tiny Yorkshire Terrier. It's stupid, an attention whore, doesn't shed, and you will be able to kick it's ass for at least 10 years without getting bitten back when it craps on your Mommy's floor.

In all seriousness, do what Njaco said. Mutts are the only type of dog to own. It's American to own a mutt.
I'm thinking about getting a new dog, I want it to be

medium sized and
I want it to be adapted to the cold and heat and
I want it to be a good guard dog

I want one that is

easy to train and
it cant be over 70 pounds

I dont want any shedding either.

And it has to be able to live longer than 10 years

You're not a Systems Engineer by any chance, are you?
That's quite a bunch of requirements

medium sized - good fuel capacity/payload
adapted to cold and heat - you'll be deploying it anywhere from the Soviet Union to North Africa
good guard dog - we ain't lost a bomber yet
easy to train - how many hours does it have already? on what?
can't be over 70lbs - you're looking for a dogfighter...
no shedding - we only use titanium rivets
live longer than 10 years - pffffft! it'll be obsolete in 10 years
"In all seriousness, do what Njaco said. Mutts are the only type of dog to own. It's American to own a mutt. "

It sure is.:lol:
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I agree with njaco [Chris]. Get a mutt from an animal shelter [SPCA ?]. We had two dogs in our married life, both
spayed females and both had quite a bit of beagle in them. Either would love you to death, made a lot of noise
when they had to, and were easy to house-break. And..... both came from the local SPCA !! They both lived for
about thirteen years.

If you are looking specific bread, there are plenty of Rescue groups out there for almost every breed. But I agree with everybody else, check with the local pound first. I ended up with a yellow lab and a husky - both which were pure breed.

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