New Dog

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16 years old, Why?

No offense meant, just wondering about your "dog parameters". Age factors in to expectations. You going to college? Have a post highschool job lined up?

You state you have many needs for your dog. But have you thought about what needs your dog may have of you? Or are you relying upon your folks to pick up the slack.

I'm not trying to be an @ss (I am one actually), but having a dog is like having a child that never grows up. And as much as I would like to put it across that I don't give a **** about animals, I actually do. Just want the dog to have a good home is all.
I stay home 12 hours a day and help with technical support on computers, this future dog will have a blast!
Get a mutt. Any decent breed that's medium-sized is going to shed. Unless you shave it. But we won't go there.

CC mentioned beagles. I have two, and they're the best dogs I've ever had. Smaller, so they don't take up a whole lot of space, but they're hounds, with all of the inherent hound instincts. You definitely won't miss hearing their barks if someone's in their territory (basically...anywhere they can see/hear). They're fiercely loyal, don't require lapdog-amounts of attention, and are quite smart/easy to train. Check the local shelters/pounds. Buy American!
Forum tech support over the computer.
And I help with other problems too.
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Get a mix breed less inherited health problems for sure.My last dog was a 70lb Lab loyal, friendly and when he barked sounds bad enough.The dog I have now is a 85lb Retriever mix and excellant dog she is Black and even though she would lick you to death,when she barks people listen.She gets a shave about every 6wks to make her look like a Lab(coat is like silk after the cut) I am tell'in you she is very protective of the whole block since Katrina.
Silverfish, whatever you do, do not get one on impulse. Just because its cute or barks or matches the carpet.

Take your time, research the history or breed and stick to your criteria.
An Airedale terrier meets all but one of your conditions. They're active dogs and require lots of exercise.

Airedales shed very little, can handle almost any kind of climate/weather, are almost totally fearless, and are very tough dogs. Great dogs, but often a little aggressive around other animals. I've owned two males, and both were quite smart, but also very stubborn.

Beagles make good watch dogs, but are definitely NOT guard dog material. And they shed like crazy in black, brown, and it shows up on everything. They're still my favorite, tho.

I love hounds, but dam can they be noisy. Whichever breed you decide on, make sure you learn about any medical issues associated with them as they could get expensive in the future, Hip dysplasia for example.

If you pick a Pitt, make sure you have the personality to be able to dominate.them.

Good luch, and make sure they get all their shots, esp for PARVO.
Hi Silverfish I've got a purebred minature sheltie and a mutt Sheperd Mix

The mutt just turned 17 on the 4th of July and the sheltie turned 10 on April 15th.
Both are indoor dogs and have hair that sheds. It isn't that terrible to keep clean.

I agree with Matt about college in a couple of years.
You need to be thinking about who will be taking care of the dog when you go.

I like my purebred but I probably won't be buying another one because of how many good animals are in shelters needing a good home.
Like Njaco said this is a long term commitment so take your time and find the right dog.

If you really want a dog that doesn't shed here is a link to some hairless dog breeds.
Hairless Dog Breeds

We've almost had our beagle for a year. Bought her off a dog farm cheap and she was house broken in a week (As in no pissing or crapping inside, and not needing a crate to settle down, also doesnt bark when in a crate). Very loving and "hyper", man can she go all day... At night she just lays down and will lick you if you go over to her. Sheds a decent amount but its not that bad. Dont think it fits your need of guard dog though :eek:
I have a English Bulldog thats a little over a year old. He is just like raising a kid. A dog requires alot of work. Feeding, taking him out, walking the dog, bathing, vet bills (which can get expensive) kennel cost if you go on vacation, and loads more. Now im not saying dont get one. But just know if you want a dog, there will be responsibality that comes along with it. In any case, looking at your requirements for a dog, I recommend a Chihuahua.

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