New to Photo Etch!

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Jul 2, 2012
Hi guys,
Yet another newbie question,
I'm about to begin a new model, the Tamiya F4u-1A Corsair in 1/48. I'm going to attempt the Eduard after market Photo Etch cockpit. This is a little daunting as I've never used Photo etch before and the parts are so small!
I'm wondering what sort of type of glue most people use to stick the metal to the plastic?

Also if anyone has any tips or tricks of the trade to share for Photo Etch, I'm all ears!
CA glue is the accepted norm. I have found that it helps to scratch the glue-side of larger pieces (like the back of the instrument panel) before gluing as the PE can be too shiny for the glue to adhere. I go over the part with a few passes of 120 grit paper to do this.

Thin CA is good for stuff like instrument panels but the smaller stuff like pull handles go on better with thicker CA.
This idea is new to me, having just read it and never trying it. I have always had trouble holding onto the small P.E. part that has CA glue on it, attaching it and then adding some accelerator.(damn third arm has yet to evolve) What I have read is, add a small amount of accelerator to the indent that is to receive the CA glued P.E. and then carefully attach part. I will try this on my next project and post the results.

Yep, heard that works too. What bugs me about the thick CA is that the stuff seems to always set up in the bottle to the point where you can't get it out any more. Twice now, I was able to use half a bottle before the stuff went south. Small bottles recommended.
I was like Andy with "Zap", half a bottle and it dried up. Now I use Gorilla super glue. I had my current bottle for almost three years(I think) with about a fifth of a bottle left(20ml/.71floz)


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