Nikitin-Shevchenko IS-1 - experimental fighter 1/72

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Airman 1st Class
Nov 16, 2009
Belgrade, Serbia
i lost track for this forum, and today i found link and after resetting credential, finally back to this great place.
Finished in previous period, i think interesting plane IS-1. Polymorphic in concept, it could transform from biplane to monoplane and back again in the air. The IS-1 performs take-off as an unequal-span biplane, subsequently retracting its main wheels pneumatically into the lower wing and then folding this wing, the center section into recesses in the fuselage sides and the outer panels into shallow depressions in the upper wing.
Model is short run Amodel, not very nice to work with. lot of everything, cleaning, lot of putty and sanding work.....simply painful, but if you wish something different this is only way.
Not to bother you more, pictures and best wishes to you all


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Looks great! Nice job finding this bird. According to this YouTube, the designers took an existing design, added two wings and a retracting mechanism, kept the same engine and then were disappointed that the resulting plane was too slow - which they worked around by lying about the speed. That was life under Stalin, where there wasn't a great retirement program for anybody who made the boss look bad.

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