North American Aviation Photo Festival

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This is another great shot. Your choice of shutter speed, movement of the camera and timing are excellent. In some of your other shots your sense of the natural lightning is great too. I work with photographs for a living and your work is really great. When I was much younger I tried my hand at taking some pictures at the Reno air races. Being exceptionally clever I shot every thing at a shutter speed of 1/1000 and no camera movement. I ended up freezing all the motion including the props which offered no sense of movement or speed.


Kim Neelley
Thanks Kim. Lots of practice over the years but still in search of the perfect shot.



Hamilton Ontario, June 1981

This is still my all time favourite Mustang. I am sure, when I first saw it in the mid 70s as a teenaged boy there was just a certain something that drew my attention to her. I have always loved camouflaged birds and Passion Wagon fits that bill. Sadly she crashed in September 1990 killing the owner/pilot George Enhorning. She was rebuilt as Deja Vu and suffered another fatal crash in 1994. I believe she is awaiting yet another rebuild.



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