Not strictly aviation but does anyone play EVE Online?

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Staff Sergeant
Dec 24, 2008
I've been on for a year or so and it appeals to me in a way that I think would appeal to the other technical-detail-loving people on the forum. So, anyone out there playing?
takes a while to get into it. I started with friends and was able to get into it playing in a corp with some buddies of mine.
My son played it for a long time and loved it but eventually grew tired of it. It's always on to the next great game for him. I got the impression it was a very big universe and somewhat demanding as well as eventually boring because it became formulaic and tough to get into since apparently there is considerable preying on nubes.
Played from 2008 until last year, then gave up after the developer ****-ups, which they now seem to be rectifying. I love the game though, so I may go back later this year. I have never played anything as immersive. It is hard to grasp, but after some dedication, is worth sticking with.

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