Official Sig / Avatar test Thread

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JCS stick with the rail engine as it is unique. get rid of the Italien a/c. too jumbled and in fact all u guys your siggy's are still way to big. Simplify, I did. when you guys put a one sentance answer the sigs are just too overboard and take up too much bandwidth/space on a thread....

alright my 2 Cents
Will I ever find the right one?


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Probably Not....


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Yes I drew that A-10.... Probably one of the best ones Ive done...... Im working on the outline of a Bf-109 at the moment....... When I get set to finish it up, im gonna post it up and see what everyone thinks as to whose plane it should be.......

And then Ill add the details in and color it...... So far it looks pretty sweet..
Hmmm I need a break from WW2 for a while...which one...I think I like the bottom one best...


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I dont... But I cant just add my chosen phrase to my siggy cos it wouldnt look right, besides I dont need to stoop to insulting the opposition because im not insecure about my knowledge, I KNOW McQueen was cooler... 8)

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