Official Sig / Avatar test Thread

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The problem is that you have attached the picture clicking on "Insert Inline" button in the File Uplad Manager window. Try to upload it again and then click the "Done" button only. You can edit the post above for that or post another one with the Submit Replay button when choosing Edit Post/Go Advanced buttons.
I didn't read where it has to be posted as a picture into this thread,
and THIS is where you get the URL location......

I am old you know. Everybody knows!


  • DVDSN sig pic.jpg
    27.1 KB · Views: 129
Last edited:
Bill please don't exaggerate your age. How about now?


  • DVDSN SIG3a.gif
    83.1 KB · Views: 118
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I give up..................
I make the file 600 wide............. to big
I make the file 200 high............. tooo big
now it's not sharp...... not happy with it.


  • DVDSN sig.jpg
    33.8 KB · Views: 106
Last edited:
Looks like you have the siggy in place. Are you trying to change to a different one?

oh, and that avatar - is that you? Need to post that in a bigger size in the Mugshots thread!
I just don't understand it.......................

Yours is 595 x 166 @ 60.3 KB
Mine is 500 x 156 @ 36 and it bluddy well won't accept it!

The problem is that you try to set it using a wrong way I'm afraid.

What do you think about these below? I might set one of them for you but tell me which one, please.


  • DVDSN sig1.gif
    81.2 KB · Views: 99
  • DVDSN sig1a.gif
    85.4 KB · Views: 100

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