Oktoberfest in Munich

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Chief Master Sergeant
Mar 29, 2006
Phila, Pa
Am planning on going to Munich for Oktoberfest but have no idea where in Munich it is. Have heard all sorts of stuff about it being in the English Garden and also downtown, but where is that? Know I'm way ahead of myself but have heard getting in on Oktoberfest is pretty tough and you have start early.

Anybody know exactly where in Munich (Cross streets or something like that) Oktoberfest is? I figure some of the guys on this board would know as most of you have passed through or lived in Germany at one time or another.

Thanks in advance.
Good question timshatz.

Perhaps this is my ignorance, but is not Octoberfest celebrated throughout Munich with individual venues, halls and entertainment sprinkled throughout?
Matt, I'd imagine it is. Something that big and that important to the locals would have a big "spillover" affect on the town. Plus, when it comes to drinking beer, all ya' need is the beer and a place. Actually, a place may be optional as well!

But have heard there is a central "Platz" of some type that exists for only the three weeks of Oktoberfest. Actually becomes it's own town for that time, complete with it's own Post Office (although I really wonder how long it will take to see mail from it, given the speed of mail from sober Postal Officials). I have been told everything from "It's near the central cathedrel" to "It's in the English Garden".

In short, I don't know where the hell it is. Not a problem if I was going there for a day (just follow the little river of spilled beer back to the source) but I want to set up reservations and whatnot and need a locale. Kinda like Times Square in NYC. Getting there is not hard, but getting decent spot near it can be tricky.
No the Oktoberfest is in one location in Munich. Think of it as a carneval like you have in the United States at the fair grounds, just 1000 times bigger. Many venues might have Oktoberfest specials but it is in one large fest ground with many many very very large beer tents, food stands, rides, and games to play.

I have been to it several times. I dont really care to go now. Yes it is a must that every person should experience atleast once but it is very very crowded. If you dont get there early, you will not get into a beer tent because they are too crowded. It is very hard to walk because of the ammount of people that go there. It is only about 2 weeks long but 6 million people visit it every year. It is crazy.

Once you get to Munich there are signs that will point you in the direction. I do not recommend driving though to get there, you will not get a parking spot. The best thing to do is park outside of Munich or just inside the city and take a S-Bahn to the fest. You can also take a S-Bahn or Bus from Your HOtel in the city of Munich to get there.

If you do end up going, give me a call and maybe we can meet up there.


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Thanks Adler, greatly appreciated. Bring on the beer (in about 9 months)!
well if you do get a chance visit a couple of the unknown Brewery halls, less folk and probably better tasting brews

I could use a Weihenstephaner right now as I feel like puke

a book you may want to seek out is Larry Hawthornes " The Beer Drinker's guide to Munich ", Freizeit Publishers, Honolulu Hawaii. 1992 about US $ 9.00 softcover with photos, maps
covers the different types of German Biers and the festivals other than Oktoberfest as well. 160 pages. First part of the book in fact covers the Bahnhof and how to get to the hot spots and the lesser knowns without having to drive and get stuck in masses.
there must be some sort of challenge written into a book like that, how many pages can you get through before you're too drunk to read... or stand........

Thanks Adler, greatly appreciated. Bring on the beer (in about 9 months)!

Like I said, once you have been there once you never need to go again. It is too crowded.

It is a must though to experience one time.

Rather than go to Munich anymore to the Oktoberfest I just go to the Fruehlingsfest and the Nurnbergfest in Nurnberg about 30 minutes away. It is only about a quarter of the size of Munich but you have the same beer tents and rides (granted there are only about 2 or 3 beer tents in Nurnberg compared to Munichs I dont know how many) but less people and that is the cool thing about it.
Adler, does the Nurmberg beer fest go off at the same time as the Oktoberfest in Munich? I'm not against bagging on the Big One and going to better local gig. I abhore crowds, always have. Always treading off the beaten track. If either the Fruehlingsfest or the Nurnbergfest look better, I'll bag on Munich and head there.

Try anything once.
well if you do get a chance visit a couple of the unknown Brewery halls, less folk and probably better tasting brews

I could use a Weihenstephaner right now as I feel like puke

a book you may want to seek out is Larry Hawthornes " The Beer Drinker's guide to Munich ", Freizeit Publishers, Honolulu Hawaii. 1992 about US $ 9.00 softcover with photos, maps
covers the different types of German Biers and the festivals other than Oktoberfest as well. 160 pages. First part of the book in fact covers the Bahnhof and how to get to the hot spots and the lesser knowns without having to drive and get stuck in masses.

Thanks Erich, just ordered it. History, beer and hiking, three things I like reading about.
I will have to check for sites.

But no they go on around the same time but about a week different. The only one that really coincides with the Oktoberfest is the Canstatter Fest in Stuttgart. It is just like the Oktoberfest in Munich just a little bit smaller. It is about half to 3/4 the size of the Oktoberfest and less people.
I hear the Nürnberg wursts are out of this world yes, Chris ? and along with a gut Deutsche Bier and a pretty lady sitting across from you in a low cut Dirndl ............ ah life is good !
Looks like I'm going to the Munich Festival. Told the wife about the other two and she pointed out that we had never been to the Munich and it was the BIG ONE. Good point, gotta do certain stuff before you leave the earth and going to Oktoberfest in Munich is one of them. I can hack the crowds if the beer is good.

BTW- Do they serve it cold? Never had it at a German beer festival so...
Yeah it is cold, but it is not Ice Cold like Americans drink there beer.

Let me know if you go and I will try and go down to Munich or you guys can make a side trip up to Ansbach (it is only about 1 hour and 30 min on the autobahn).
Yeah it is cold, but it is not Ice Cold like Americans drink there beer.

Let me know if you go and I will try and go down to Munich or you guys can make a side trip up to Ansbach (it is only about 1 hour and 30 min on the autobahn).

That's a plan. It's pretty set to go at this point. Not sure of the details. But I know I'll be over there in the late September (if fate, fortune and the good Lord above spare me).

Look forward to bending an elbow with ya'!

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