Old WWII era news papers.

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Aug 21, 2006
I found this old news paper here at this web site but cant figure a way out to make it clearer to read. Do any of you have a suggestion on how to make it clear. Every thing I try distorts the writting even worse. Post is the one I was trying to read. There are may more at the web site below. Some you can read and some blurry like the one below.

Looking back at Lubbock's past - A history blog by Russell Hill - 1943 – War Bonds, rationing and "Rosie the Riveter"


  • 45_Patton.jpg
    405.3 KB · Views: 229
Paul I couldn't find the newspaper on the site.I have made it bigger for you but the source dokument is of poor quality.Maybe it can be enough to read it.


  • 45_Patton_.zip
    3.7 MB · Views: 124
Thanks Wojtek, I will try and read it. Many thanks for trying. The poor quality was the same problem that I was having. I wish they where a little better quality.

Thanks again Paul
You'r welcome :)

Yep, but it is a litle bit strange because other news papers on the site look better .Is the size of the file the only one you could download there?
You'r welcome :)

Yep, but it is a litle bit strange because other news papers on the site look better .Is the size of the file the only one you could download there?

Yep, its a bit of a puzzle I couldnt find anything any bigger for this article. Later today I will have some more time and see if I can find a better one. I have some old orginal WWII news papers at home that my grandmother gave me a few years back. Just have not found a way to post them because they are so big. They wont fit on a normal scanner and two big for a copy machine. I dont think taking digital camera shots will work because of size versus readabilty thought I may try that.

Any way thanks again Wojtek
The original scan of the file is the most likely problem. Unfortunately, a lot of the old newspapers are scanned for headlines and pictures. The smaller text get garbled because of the resolution.

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