Hi guys,
Just read and interesting article in the magaizine Aviation history (November 2008 issue) and was wondering if one of our members can help.
According the the article the oldest complete B-17 in the world is currently under going restoration. Its a B-17D-BO that flew its first combat mission over the Philippines after Pearl harbor. The B-17D named The Swoose is currently being restored at the US Airforce Museum at Dayton Ohio. I was wondering if one of our members in the area would see if they would take the special behind the scenes tour offered every Friday and take pictures for all of us. Supposedly both The Swoose and the B-17F Memphis Belle are side by side under going restoration.
The B-17D is one of the orginal Shark Fin tailed B-17's so will be very rare. Would love to see some pictures of both these aircraft under going restoration
Best I can do to help is give you the web address to sign up for the tour thats held each friday. I would go myself but its a little to far for me to drive.
National Museum of the USAF - Museum Tours or you can call the museum at 937-255-3286.
Picture below is of the B-17 The Swoose
Thanks Paul
Just read and interesting article in the magaizine Aviation history (November 2008 issue) and was wondering if one of our members can help.
According the the article the oldest complete B-17 in the world is currently under going restoration. Its a B-17D-BO that flew its first combat mission over the Philippines after Pearl harbor. The B-17D named The Swoose is currently being restored at the US Airforce Museum at Dayton Ohio. I was wondering if one of our members in the area would see if they would take the special behind the scenes tour offered every Friday and take pictures for all of us. Supposedly both The Swoose and the B-17F Memphis Belle are side by side under going restoration.
The B-17D is one of the orginal Shark Fin tailed B-17's so will be very rare. Would love to see some pictures of both these aircraft under going restoration
Best I can do to help is give you the web address to sign up for the tour thats held each friday. I would go myself but its a little to far for me to drive.
National Museum of the USAF - Museum Tours or you can call the museum at 937-255-3286.
Picture below is of the B-17 The Swoose
Thanks Paul