On The Deck

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Pretty impressive plane, wonder why it was never pushed for further development as a long range bomber/patrol aircraft.

Because of the length of time between the start of the design and the first flight (1938 to 1941) It was obsolete before construction was finished. Douglas wanted to halt the whole project but the Air Corps insisted they complete it for research purposes so it was not intended to be a production aircraft from long before the first flight. I read somewhere that lessons learned in the construction of the B-19 were used in the design of the B-29 so it wasn't a complete waste. It was later re-engined with the big Allison V-3420 engine used in the XB-39 Superfortress and the P-75 Eagle. Later it was converted to a transport and scraped in 1949. The only thing left of it is the massive main landing gear tires, one at The Air Force Museum and the other one at some other museum.


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