One for Evanglider

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Tech Sergeant
Nov 4, 2007
Ok im gonna try this again after my comp got hit with this virus i had to goto firefox and its hard to upload pics, anyway a buddy gave me this pic, cant really tell what it is but supposedly its being built/restored in chino area

Well crap! just found that its 35mb and im only allowed 5.0 well ill try another way
Yea i know my neighbor scanned it for me and i dont know what went wrong, i just emailed it to nj so well see if he can fix it. This plane is kinda weird, looks like a mustang but 2 seats and 2 intakes
I am sure thats a Spitfire and it looks like a converted late production VIII, IX or XVI. Originally a 4 gun version almost certainly 2 x 20 2 x HMG.
The air intakes on the wings, tail shape and gun ports all look like a spitfire. But the American markings are what seems a bit odd. I haven't seen this one in person, so I'm not sure. I can check around. Do you have any other shots of it?
Fuselage code is WD, which would be the 335th Fighter Squadron of the 4th Fighter Group, which was originally an Eagle squadron, so it could very well be a squadron trainer. The Eagle Squadron did fly Spitfires.
I am sure thats a Spitfire and it looks like a converted late production VIII, IX or XVI. Originally a 4 gun version almost certainly 2 x 20 2 x HMG.
Looking at the motor mounts and the ones in Trackends Spit pictures and the fact its in US markings I'm going to guess a MKV
maybe a IX as the motor mount are consistent with the one I see but I wasn't aware the USAAf flew the IX's but then again it might be artistic licence

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