Osama Bin Laden is Dead!!!

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yeah, that an impressive effort on its own. Apparently they have buried him at sea already. That was a bit curious IMO. It also almost certainly means he was taken out by a Navy special forces group.

Well done fellas.......
Burial at sea makes perfect sense - no grave for fanatics to turn into a shrine. That said, the US Govt will have to release piccies (unless they already have - don't have TV where I live!) to at least attempt to put conspiracy theories to bed.
Lets be fair here...

Actually, Obama gave the order to do the mission. I give the man props to have the balls to send a mission into Pakistan to take him out.

I agree Adler. Like many on this board, I am absolutely not an Obama fan. But if we are going to dump all the bad things that happen under Obama's watch on him, we have to give him credit for the good things. All presidents take credit for the good things and most blame the bad things on the previous administrations.

That being said......

Thank you to our troops. Stay sharp boys, I fear it may get a little rough now.
While I understand the reasoning, without a body a large portion of the world is not going to believe he is really dead. They are not going to buy DNA tests done by the US
Always glad to be proven wrong in a case like this. ******* just found out there ain't NO 72 virgins in the afterlife. Personally I would dump his body in no-man's life and put his decapitated head on a pike like days of old to prove a point. You dip-shits think you are gonna get away with this type of evil, no you ain't you will pay dearly as we will find you................all of you !

a great Monday, justice served, court adjourned . . . . . . . . . for now.

E ~
While I understand the reasoning, without a body a large portion of the world is not going to believe he is really dead. They are not going to buy DNA tests done by the US

My thought as well Mike.The other thing as I watched last night was the celebrations by kids wet behind the ears??reminded me of the Palie's celebrating in the streets after 9/11 not much class by either group;actually kinda tacky.My only thoughts last night was "Good Riddens" and whats next?
Javiln, as the talking heads went on and on and on last night three things stood out, This took place a week ago (or more). Osama had given orders to his bodyguards to kill him themselves if there were danger of capture. Osama had a number plots ready to go if he were killed.
Like everyone else here, it is great that the SOB is gone but a lot of innocents are going to pay for it, I just hope we're ready for what hits the fan
Javiln, as the talking heads went on and on and on last night three things stood out, This took place a week ago (or more). Osama had given orders to his bodyguards to kill him themselves if there were danger of capture. Osama had a number plots ready to go if he were killed.
Like everyone else here, it is great that the SOB is gone but a lot of innocents are going to pay for it, I just hope we're ready for what hits the fan
Mike you know full well it costs to appreciate freedom just as in Nam, though I can safely say we both struggle with the why's over there ..............

in the case of this shrimp now flattened we have to deal with any and all new "factions" it's all part of the risk we played out and will continue to do so.
I just wish we were able to bring him back to life over and over again so we can kill him again, one time for for every 9/11 victim!
I guess Gitmo and enhanced interrogation (including waterboarding) to gain intelligence on our murdering enemies WORKS!

And we should not rest until every last terrorist is WIPED OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!!!!!!!!!

Cowards to the end! Reported that the stinking terrorists used a woman as a human shield as the SEALS turned bin laden's head into a crimson mist!

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf."



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Glad its finally been done. Apparently the compound he was in was 200 yards from the Pakistani version of Sandhurst/West Point which is interesting...

Pictures released don't look like him though.

Good decision for a sea burial, as has been said allows for no shrine and also means it is very easy to piss on his grave...
Erich, well do I know, and I and many more like me paid that price. As was said, All gave some and some gave all. My comment was more along the lines of how many people do you know that are willing to pay that price? Most want their TVs and comfort. At least today the soldier gets credit for what he does and sacrifices. Though Chase was busy foreclosing on soldiers, on active duty, homes because they had missed some payments
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While it seems like a pretty important symbol (a lot of people seem to like symbolic things) as far as the war or terror goes I doubt it has any significant effect on the war on terror whatsoever, if anything it'll give other terrorists an excuse to do truly FUBAR things. I fear Al Quaida is nowhere near the thightly knit organisation we Westerners always make it out to be. It's not like Osama had weekely meetings with luitenants from all different cells to cook up new plans for the week or something, like the Don of terrorists or something. I think it's a loose group of individual cells and individuals each with their own big-brains. They have their own scapegoat (us) and fight their common enemy (which is us). Both Bin Laden and seperate cells benefit from this arrangement. Bin Laden takes the 'credit' when he claims Al Quaida carried out this or that action (while remaining in hiding in a cave or villa as it seems) and at the same time taking the heat for it as everyone is looking for him and let the true 'active' terrorists remain in the shadows so to speak.

I mean suppose you did something extremely bad and someone came to you and told you he wanted to tell the world he did it? Don't you think it would be tempting to do it and let him take the 'credit' and the heat for it? Neat arrangement. You can continue doing bad things and let the other guy take the credit and the heat for it. While it's too bad if this guy got cought, it doesn't affect your ability to do bad things. Well this is my view on how these things work.

I wouldn't be surprised if Al Quaida as an organisations doesn't go far beyond the people present in the compound at the time of the NAVY seal attack and perhaps a few runners to get things in and out or something.
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Its important to us, because he was a symbol. Weve removed one of our enemies symbols, like Soviets raising the flag over the Reichstag, or the same deal over Iwo.

Humanity is not a machine. It needs symbols to represent what it stands for. getting rid of this murderer somehow makes it feel like we have moved forward. maybe thats not the truth, but it feels significant, and this is a war of hearts and minds.

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