Osama Bin Laden is Dead!!!

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Yeah I saw a news report where they said it was murder because he was unarmed. **** that! The people in the World Trade Center and countless other terror victims were unarmed as well!

The man is better off dead.
Stealth Black hawk?... pretty cool

Aviation Geeks Scramble to ID bin Laden Raid's Mystery Copter | Danger Room | Wired.com

The official reason explaining the crash was that the temperature was 17 degrees higher than expected and made for poor lifting conditions in a already heavily loaded chopper.

One of these days we'll have a more reliable vertical assault vehicle.

They'll make a FORTUNE selling those pieces to the Chinese and Russians.

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I'm betting something smaller given the rotor diameter. Looks all composite too. Given the significant number of obvious differences in airframe tailboom structure (propulsion, structure, material, etc), one would have to conclude this would significantly impact existing H-60 flight controls too. If you are going to go through that much effort, I would think we are talking about a completely different helicopter.
What I've been wondering is what was the procedure for scuttling the remains? I can see a kill switch for the avionics, but how do you destroy all aspects of the structure related to stealth (ex., exhaust routing, surface coating, material used, conformal antennas, basic shape etc)? Must be a huge find for the Chicoms. Let the bidding begin.
Maybe a pre-impregnated det-cord/strands within the fibre matrix? would need to be set off using very high electrical input to try and minimise kinetic impact causing piezzo-electric activation?

17 deg C higher airtemp caused a crash, thats bull. If such were the case they'd never have taken off.
Stealth chopper, possible, looks more like a misinformation prop; drop off an advanced looking 'ready to blow' wreckage of UH-60 with stealth styled composite parts - of which the fibre is made of incorrect mat'ls node directions to lead reverse engineers down a dead end.

I hope that senators world leaders with clearence, can view the death pics to try and convince those whom wish more evidence, although I do agree with at the mo, withholding the pics from the world, cos, I don't wish the hornets nest to be shaken any further.
It seems to be being quietly tolerated within the humane/democratic/normality wantiing Islamic persons/movements as a needed action to try and break from the extremists or fundamentalists.

Hamas Fatah, should be a good fist fight to watch, whoops, might be a good most likely it won't, they'll violently split again sometime down the road.
Certainly Israel will try to upset them since Israel Hamas share identical dreams of genocide against the other to claim 'their land'.
Then again with a possibly more neutral Egypt could co-opt them H&F to playing nicely - if only the US could rein in the inflammatory speech making Neytinyarhu, - who might have to make such speeches to keep his own fundamentalists from rampaging and 'doing a Rabin' on him, before they attack unify H&F.

In Iraq, if we went down we would kill the avionics as you stated and then leave the aircraft. If possible an attack aircraft would come from behind destroy the downed helo. I know of one downed UH-60 that was attached to our Brigade, was destroyed by an Apache afterwords.
Seems like a intel goldmine without even considering avionics, electronics or machinery.

Composite material
infra-red deflecting paint.
glues and epoxies...

a laundry basket full of "scrap" could shorten decades off the development curve for exotic materials.
I think the wreckage is a technical red herring/plant, to misdirect reverse engineering. Ok would you risk losing a very new most secret tech just because of one nutter?
Its just could be a conveinient excuse to let non-US contries have a false tech goldmine - surely otherwise the US Forces would have locked down the area, removed the wreckage down to everything larger than a basebal and not let the locals play with it, or let them put it on a truck.

Theres also the option that the wreckage is to make all viewers believe that not all went perfect - plans are plans because they never go as intended.
4 choppers go in, so lets make one appear to crash so our opponants can falsely cheer 1:3 ratio and spend money transporting, examining trying to recreate useless junk; like multi-layered resin impregnated denim with oxide based paint mixed into the resin thats then been set onfire with avgas, thermite white phosphorous, and see if they can tell what the resulting 'fudge' was.

As for it apperently being very quiet, with the other 2 choppers moving away to flanking positions to drop teams around the area, a noise cancelling amp speaker system would make it sound almost quiet underneath the main helo's.
They tested such in Vietnam, but the sound only worked in a close area - the sound cone produced by the amp and speakers attributes didn't expand as far out as the sound thrown outwards from the rotors vortecies. Better mat'ls design of rotor blades with swept and/or transonic tips lowers flutter, chop and resistance hence sound.
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I think the wreckage is a technical red herring/plant, to misdirect reverse engineering.

Sooooo. The alleged "stealth" helicopter was planted?

Wow.... Thanks for the chuckle.. i owe you a beer.

>>Ok would you risk losing a very new most secret tech just because of one nutter?

For Bin Laden, certainly.. hell yeah. The equipment is useless unless its used.

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So the new story today is Osama was within arms reach of an AK that was in a false wall /door setup.Yet that it was a 40min fire fight with only one guy now said to have a gun(Seals are better than that) The Seals did there job like they should and got the man.The government is guilty of creating a fish story of the one that got away.The Hero's is the Seal Team guys(WH) not the government.
so with all this scuttlebutt you guys are buying the whole story hook line and sinker...........eh ? only proof right now as the Paki's have part of a helicopter
glad to help Cosimo

Too, tis' true enough Erich. Even 40 mins is unknown....

But it did help wallstreet and increase US confidence a bit too, while hiding 'what' from view?
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so with all this scuttlebutt you guys are buying the whole story hook line and sinker...........eh ? only proof right now as the Paki's have part of a helicopter

Well Erich as much as I distrust the Government I hope that they would not lie about a story as such as this.That being said all this BS after the fact is an administration tring to make itself look stronger than what they are.I will give the man a cudos for using the the drones and hellfires for moments of opportunity but all else is total BS.
I think the US wqould not hesitate to risk its best and most secret equipment in a mission like this. You make it sound like it would be a walk in the park, because they are navy SEALs. I disagree. This would always have been judged a dificult mission because there would have been a high risk of detection and attack from Pakistani forces, and the last thing the US would want is an embarrassing clash with the military of one of its own allies. If twenty or thirty Paki soldiers had been killed because of this, Pakistan would have been lost as an ally. They needed to get in, get out, and complete the mission without any reaction. That is a very difficult ask
Can we please stop referring to Pakistanis as "Pakis"? It can be considered highly offensive. This is no different to other recent instances where Japanese were referred to as "Japs" when not quoting a contemporaneous WWII account.

It's not like me to be overly PC but this is supposed to be an international forum where all are welcome.
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i would use it because its just shorter than typing out Pakistani, probably no real offense intended from us here in the US.
By the way, today the US celebrates Cinco de Mayo. In Mexico they refer to it as Cinco de Gringo.

Me? I personally call it Cinco de Drinko. As that is what most stupid Americans do for this silly holiday.

And as for the other overly PC expectations? F#ck that. And his supposedly 40min Islamic burial. I hope they buried his azz in a body bag full of spam.
There goes my one shot a diplomacy, Heck with you alls I hate everybody equally..................lol

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