Oshkosh 2023

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Jeff Hunt

1st Lieutenant
Jul 20, 2012
Guelph Ontario Canada
I will be leaving Friday morning for the annual trek to Oshkosh. I hope to be on the airfield by noon on Saturday and Airshow Jason and I will head for home on the morning of Saturday July 29th. I will eventually post my photos in this thread but it may be some time before I get around to organizing the photos. Two days after I get home from Oshkosh I leave for Saskatchewan for a week and then I am home for 3 days and I leave for Thunder Over Michigan.
In the meantime I am certain that others will post Oshkosh pics and if I remember I will use the old cell phone to get a few teasaers your way which I will put in this file as well.


Bad weather quality here due to forest fires still raging in Canada. Blanket of haze all day yesterday and it is still sitting here again this morning. We will not be heading out till later today due to weather conditions so laundry it is.

Here are a few cellphone snaps from yesterday.



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