ok as i cannot build at the minute i thought i'd get stuck into researching subjects for the kits in my stash.
so after reading Kittyhawk Pilot a while ago i need info on Otto Schulz's Bf 109 F-4 trop the day he was killed by Eddie Edwards of 260 Sqn RAF.
i plan on doing Edwards Kittyhawk III FR350 but only after everyone has forgotten Andy's amazing build of the same subject
so here's where i am so far !
Otto Schulz was killed on 17 June 1942 after shooting down the Hurricane flown by Wally Conrad of 274 Sqn.
Schulz was in the habit of strafing his victims downed machines until they were set on fire(presumably to deny them the chance to repair them) and he was doing just that as Eddie Edwards was returning home at high speed and low altitude saw Him and with a slight change of direction hit the 109 and it went straight into the ground as it dived on Conrad's Hurricane.
Edwards didnt look back and did not even put in a claim as he did not even see the Hurricane on the ground.
it wasn't until Michel Lavinge was researching Kittyhawk pilot that it was discovered who was flying the Kittyhawk that day !
i have read that Schulz was flying F-4 W.Nr 10271 marked <ll and now would like to know what the paint scheme would have looked like ?
i have collected a few profiles of Schulz's 109 some marked yellow 2 ?
see below from the internet
Claes Sundin has <ll with a yellow lower cowl ?
a bar on the rear fuselage over painted with the white theater band and a half white half black spinner ?
what about the kill markings on the rudder, black or white ?
so after reading Kittyhawk Pilot a while ago i need info on Otto Schulz's Bf 109 F-4 trop the day he was killed by Eddie Edwards of 260 Sqn RAF.
i plan on doing Edwards Kittyhawk III FR350 but only after everyone has forgotten Andy's amazing build of the same subject

so here's where i am so far !
Otto Schulz was killed on 17 June 1942 after shooting down the Hurricane flown by Wally Conrad of 274 Sqn.
Schulz was in the habit of strafing his victims downed machines until they were set on fire(presumably to deny them the chance to repair them) and he was doing just that as Eddie Edwards was returning home at high speed and low altitude saw Him and with a slight change of direction hit the 109 and it went straight into the ground as it dived on Conrad's Hurricane.
Edwards didnt look back and did not even put in a claim as he did not even see the Hurricane on the ground.
it wasn't until Michel Lavinge was researching Kittyhawk pilot that it was discovered who was flying the Kittyhawk that day !
i have read that Schulz was flying F-4 W.Nr 10271 marked <ll and now would like to know what the paint scheme would have looked like ?
i have collected a few profiles of Schulz's 109 some marked yellow 2 ?
see below from the internet
Claes Sundin has <ll with a yellow lower cowl ?
a bar on the rear fuselage over painted with the white theater band and a half white half black spinner ?
what about the kill markings on the rudder, black or white ?