Our youngest's wedding day is D-Day

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Good onyah Paul.
Glad to hear the day went well for all.
Forgive my little "I do"............. sometimes I'm not very inventive.
My dogs name was.................................................................................................. spot!
Says it all I think.

The only time to name a dog "spot" is when it is one solid color!
We're getting off subject.............. but
Annie wants two dogs, one she will name Colin......... "what will you name yours"? she asks.......

Hmmmm, shades of Chevy Chase........................... "Sh!thead" says I ................ she didn't think it was funny.
Poor little guy is already afraid of me! He flinches if I make a sudden movement.

He'd hate the 21 gun salute followed by the fly by of P-51s, P-47s, P-38s and a handful of C-47s, then! Congrats, man. My niece was born on 6 June 2010.

He thought it was hysterical to say, "Come here Dammit!"

There's a guy at work called Amit, guess what his nickname is!

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