This excerpt has been posted so many times I'm surprised no one is collecting royalties. This was from the Rau memo and paints an EXTREMELY exaggerated worse case scenario. So what made this soooo different from the same P-38 driver in the PTO??? Maybe the tropical weather made them think and react faster?!?!?
Hello FlyboyJ,
Perhaps the different cruise altitudes in the PTO made for a less critical response. One thing that probably would not happen at lower altitudes is fuel falling out of suspension in the induction system.
The opposition also operated at much lower altitudes and with fewer land bases, being bounced was probably much less likely.
Tropical weather probably IS better for the pilots' reaction times than the cold encountered on a bomber escort mission in the ETO.
Wasn't the P-38's dive angle restricted because of the low Mcr and it accelerated well in a dive?
The dive flaps enabled steeper dives, but still not as steep as some of the single engine fighters.
Hello Wuzak,
In AHT, there is a mention of the dive angle without the dive flaps being restricted to about 15 degrees and to about 45 degrees with the dive flaps.
- Ivan.