P-47 Thunderbolt Manual's

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Pilot manual for a P-47B,C,D, and G.

Enjoy Micdrow


  • P-47 Thunderbolt.jpg
    P-47 Thunderbolt.jpg
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  • P-47B,C,D,G.pdf
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Mods - If this needs to go under Technical, please move.

I was getting some work done on my truck yesterday and the owner of the shop came by to say hello. We have known him for 30 years. I noticed he was wearing one of the Collins Foundation shirts for the B-25 Tondeleyo. I'll leave out all the boring details, but long story short, I found out he was a pilot, owns a 1946 plane (I forget what it was now).

He mentioned that his dad was a WWII Hellcat pilot and his friend was a state side pilot that would fly everything under the sun. He let me borrow his dad's friend's flight log book and pilot manuals to read over. It shows he flew an L2, PT17, PT19, BT13, AT6, P40, P47, P51, P39, P63, PQ14, C47, UC78, AT17, B24, B25, and B26.

I'm attaching a scan of the P-47 manual if anyone is interested. If this is something ya'll like, I'll scan the others. There is a manual for a P-51, P-39, P-63, and a P-40 as well as a power plant manual.

He also told me he has all his dad's "after incident" reports from the war. He said he would let me see those also and let me scan them to post here if you want to see those as well. He also said that through his dad he was able to meet the guy who started the Blue Angels (I forget the guys name) and Adolf Galland. How cool is that?

Please let me know if your interested in the other manuals.


  • P-47 Flight Manual.pdf
    4.3 MB · Views: 3,916
We'll take on any manuals you wish to donate to the site - the only exceptions are current NATOPS and USAF -1s, we don't want to violate any governent regs. I will move this post to the technical section, again many thanks!
Thanks for this, Micdrow!

These are the same scans that come with the P-47 DVD from Zeno's Warbird Drive-in. However, Zeno's PDF has an additional cover page and is locked so the user can't print from it or export the pages to Photoshop. Same story with the P-47B/C/G/D manual that is also linked in this forum.
Your welcome, though I got to say I dont own any of Zeno's Warbird Cd's although I hear they have are excellent with some great video's. Most of the stuff Ive found are around the internet through lots of searching. I think this one came from a russian web site.
I wasn't implying that this PDF is from Zeno's. The properties tab for the one here says it was created in 2003 while Zeno's version was modified in 2006. This one is closer to the source document it seems.

I bought Zeno's DVD for the videos anyhow, which are excellent as you said. The manuals were implied as being a bonus.
Excellent overview! I really enjoyed this one. Thanks Ron.
I've uploaded two complete P-47 manuals that aren't currently available here to this MySpace account:
MySpace.com - Johnny Thunderbolt! - 39 - Male - GREAT FALLS, Montana - www.myspace.com/simboltpilot

Look in the Pics area.

Sorry that the manuals aren't fully downloadable or printable like they are here. Most of the text and illustrations are legible however and browsing through them makes for interesting reading. I have a couple more manuals I plan to upload including a hard copy reproduction of the P-47N Pilot's Flight Notes dated July, 1945.
I've uploaded two complete P-47 manuals that aren't currently available here to this MySpace account:
MySpace.com - Johnny Thunderbolt! - 39 - Male - GREAT FALLS, Montana - www.myspace.com/simboltpilot

Look in the Pics area.

Sorry that the manuals aren't fully downloadable or printable like they are here. Most of the text and illustrations are legible however and browsing through them makes for interesting reading. I have a couple more manuals I plan to upload including a hard copy reproduction of the P-47N Pilot's Flight Notes dated July, 1945.

Thanks Skycat, if you want I can make them into pdf files for you.

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