P-47D-25 Cockpit Image

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Hope everyone is off to a great start on the holiday season. The year sure went by fast.

Finally dusted off the studio gear and got to do the P-47 cockpit shot I've been after. Also a shot of me sitting in the T-bolt dreaming. Have to keep playing the lotto.



  • P47D_cockpit1.jpg
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  • TBoltPilot.jpg
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Thanks all, for your kind words.

The image is in poster format, 24x36. All the imagery I am creating is going to be in a book I am planning as well as in calendar and fine art form.

I just finished a calendar project which features my work. It was for and printed by the Pittsburgh Institute of Aeronautics in celebration of their 80th year. They give them out to students, faculty and vendors. It should be good exposure. On the back cover is a short spiel on what my work is about.

I have been sending calendars out to the owners of the aircraft I shoot as well as to surviving aces.




  • 2010CAL1.jpg
    160.7 KB · Views: 484

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