P-61 Black Widow 1/48 Great Wall Kit

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May 16, 2013
Hi there, this is my first post in this forum, i hope you like my work, this is my latest build just finished yesterday

This is simple.......BEAUTIFUL!
Black finish is always challenging, but you manage to highlight panels just to reach great contrast, and very good balanced look. Great level of details!
Amazing work.....on very BIG bird

Yes, very good work on the shades of black and thanks for a good set of pics to see it all close up. Looks like it took a while as well.
Very nice job done on her. I will be building this kit before too long. Had it added to my stash last year. What aftermarket goodies did you add aside from the decals?
beside the decal, i added the Big Ed photoetch from Eduard, the tires dont remember from who, and if you have the box for the glass nose widow you are ok, if you have the first one you will need the corrected cowlings for the engines, cause the ones from the model have the inlet diameter wrong, to small
i dont know if the nose is short or not, is as it came in the model, and so far no one has complained about the lenght of the nose in the great wall kit so far

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