But the Luftwaffe didn't have any 400 mph aircraft flying in the Med in 1942. With Trop filters their 109F and early G (toward the end of the year) were doing about 370-380 mph at their highest operating altitude
Any sources about the Bf 109F-4 and/or G-2 losing 30+- mph due to the installation of trop filters, while the P-40 seem to loose zero mph due to filter being installed?
As indicated on the charts I linked, the Tomahawk types were showing a higher critical altitude at military power.
The -33 have had greater critical altitude for the military power, it's military power being lower than on the -39 by about 100 HP. The V-1710-39 was making better power under ~13500 ft, and same power above ~13500 ft.
With the P-40, in all Theaters, they had to figure out how to contend with being attacked from above and carrying the day anyway. That is a very tall order, and it's the reason why the P-40 was considered so flawed. They worked out very specific tactics for this in the MTO, starting with just flying in pairs / figure 4 flights (which for some reason lagged in that Theater until around mid-1942) then flying in squadron formation and turning into the initial attacks as a unit (on the word of the squadron leader). And of course, using their escape maneuvers when they got into trouble.
One of procedures was to have Spitfires flying top cover. Or, as it was the case in the ETO, not to use P-40s at all.