Packard Merlin 224 engine and the Glen Martin 250 MUT (2 Viewers)

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Senior Airman
Aug 17, 2007
I took my grandson to the Calgary Museum of flight. It's well done. Three of dad's aircraft were there: DH-82C, North American Harvard and the Avro Lancaster X. He got to see the aircraft his great grandfather flew.

But what was new to me were the displays of the Packard Merlin 224 engine and the Glen Martin 250 MUT. The 224 looked smaller than I thought it might be.

The PM 224 powered KB865 and the GM-250 was the MUT
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The Hispano Ha-1112 we are restoring has a Merlin 224 in it.

It is a single-stage, 2-speed supercharger and makes more horsepower than any regular DB-powered Messerschmitt at takeoff. That mean it does not want to go straight without considerable effort to do so when taking off! Climbs very well ...
Then, they should have won in the movie. That, and the black crosses all considered.

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