PBY-5A Takeoff / Landing Roll

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Yea, the time fixing the bloody thing takes away from Pub time! Why do you think we get so temperamental!
Wasting valuble drinking time is a tragedy. I understand how you feel, FBJ.
I have seen that picture before and have seen it almost happen live. A propeller is a very nasty thing that really dose not care about what it might hit.

As for the Bv 144 that would have been a grand project, they created some good seaplaes for the war. Plan_D, most crews could take care of the plane them selves. if it were an anphipian it could be looked after on land or we could build a ew seaplane ramp in Miami

Because we would be useing new designs say the Ca 415 or Be-12 though that is not a new design we could work on it.
Can you even get a joke, MP-Willow!? It was a joke! No need for return comment.

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