PBY Being Restored

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1st Lieutenant
May 30, 2011
Cape Canaveral
This PBY is being restored by American Aero in New Smyrna Beach. It is a very historic aircraft, being the first USN PBY to sink a U-bat. I delivered a radio for use in the restoration. As you can see the side blisters have been installed as well the shield over the bombsight window. The nose turret will be installed also and the interior made as authentic as possible. It is about to be painted, blue-gray on top with light gray undersides. They have three PBY at the site.
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The ultimate RV
Indeed! A friend of mine who used to rebuild PBYs said there was was a very nice one, the interior done in a 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea motif, that had a dingy carried under one wing, You could land, anchor the PBY, go to a waist window and lower the dingy into the water so you could pull it over and board it to go to shore. They were shooting landings with it off Avalon Harbor, Catalina Island in the late 60's and for some reason lowered the landing gear for a water landing. My friend was sent out to recover the airplane and fly it back to New Orleans to be rebuilt.
Was admiring the one at Duxford a few days ago. Classic aircraft with amazing endurance.

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