I was at the Audioslave concert on Friday and it was FUCK-ING awesome! 2 and a half hours of being up front in the mosh pit was back breaking and it was amazing! Best night of my life, without a doubt. Cornell was spot on and Audioslave were loving it just as much as all 20,000 of the crowd were.
For anyone that cares they played; Cochise, Show Me How to Live, Gasoline, Like A Stone, Shadow On the Sun, I Am the Highway (Cornell did it solo). From Audioslave - Audioslave
Your Time Has Come, Out of Exile, Be Yourself, Doesn't Remind Me, Drown Me Slowly, The Worm, #1 Zero. From Audioslave - Out of Exile
Loud Love from Soundgarden - Louder than Love (Not been heard in Britain for over 10 years)
Spoonman, Fell on Black Days (Cornell, solo and accoustic), Black Hole Sun (Solo and accoustic) from Soundgarden - Superunknown.
Call Me a Dog (Solo and accoustic) - Temple of the Dog
Sleep Now in the Fire from Rage - Battle of Los Angeles
Bulls on Parade (instrumental) from Rage - Evil Empire
Killing in the Name from Rage - Rage Against the Machine.
I am awaiting the pictures my brother took because being so crazy I wasn't trusted with it, since I was crowd surfing and freaking out...