Photographers Tim Hetherington and Chris Hondros killed in Libya

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Staff Sergeant
Sep 2, 2007
Manila, Philippines
Two days ago, Chris Hondros, a Pulitzer Prize Nominee and Tim Hetherington, who you may remember filmed the Oscar nominated documentary Restrepo were killed in Misrata, Libya.

From CNN:

Combat photography is a dangerous profession. I liked their work and considered them "Brothers of the shutter", so I hate to see it happen, but the odds are stacked against you when you take photos in that environment. Although some say the same thing about what I do.
Agreed Eric, it is always a risk in those situations. They knew the risks and certainly provided some really good work from the field. It is just one of those things, Gaddafi's government seems to care quite a bit more about them that the locals dying though which is a shame but not unexpected.
Honestly, he only cares about the journalists because to not do so would make his situation worse than it already is. He is trying to manipulate the press and use journalists to put himself in a positive light. Otherwise, they would be cannon fodder like the rest of the Libyan people.

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