Pics of rare US aircrafts

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Cool site, there's only a couple ones there I didn't know, but it's these type of a/c that got me interested in this stuff. (at least a major reason)

Incedentally that YP-59A with the "second cockpit" is the one at Planes of Fame in Chino. (I believe that pic of it shown is at PoF in it's former condition)

It has now been nearly fully restored (perhaps already completed) to flying condition in its original configuration. (allong with with original engines) It starts flying this fall.
I didnt see a second cockpit.


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It was removed during restoration to the original configuration. (like was done with the original XP-59A at the NASM -albeit it's second cockpit was open-air, in both cases the secon seat position were modifications)

The nose cannons (or mock-ups), previously missing, were also added. (original YP-59A's were armmed with 2x 37mm M4 cannon, opposed to the single cannon + 3x .50's on the production models)

See: Goleta Air Space Museum, Bell P-59 Airacomet Survivors

(note that while the article claims Chino's YP-59A 42-108777 is the oldest Airacomet left, I's actually secon to the Smithsonian's XP-59A -the first built, and featuring a hinged canopy, rather than the sliding ones of the others)
DOUGLAS XB-42 MIXMASTER, That could be The official plane for Public Enemy's next tour LOL

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