Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous (2 Viewers)

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I hope the Imperial Hotel still exists somewhere. It was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and had been a very exclusive hotel in its day but by 1950 it had become very run down and at the time it was thought that it could not be economically restored. When I was 11 years old, our family attended a magic show in the hotel starring "The Great Blackstone". I went up on stage and helped him with a card trick.
Thank you very much for introducing your good memories with interesting stories, manta. Nothing exceeds actual experience.
The Imperial Hotel introduces its old building as the Wright Imperial from historical viewpoint with artifacts and witnesses if you like.

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I had no idea that the hotel still existed. I appreciate your posting this video. The Imperial Hotel was one of the world's finest hotels.
I had no idea that the hotel still existed. I appreciate your posting this video. The Imperial Hotel was one of the world's finest hotels.
Agreed. Almost people gave up the old building, even the entrance section, 50 years ago as the relocation which needed the disassembling/reassembling work had taken 18 years.
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