Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous

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And if I learnt my Japanese lesson's well, that "double O", is from transcribing from Japanese to English. Saying this, because have seen those "added vowels" quite a lot in non Japanese names, written in Japanese.
Shinpachi, have you ever considered starting a photo thread dedicated to Japanese history and culture? Your photos are extremely interesting and for the most part Im guessing, not commonly seen on websites not originating in Japan. It would be a great reference resource and more easily searchable as opposed to them being lost in many pages of a random photo thread.

Just an idea, Thanks
Shinpachi, have you ever considered starting a photo thread dedicated to Japanese history and culture? Your photos are extremely interesting and for the most part Im guessing, not commonly seen on websites not originating in Japan. It would be a great reference resource and more easily searchable as opposed to them being lost in many pages of a random photo thread.

Just an idea, Thanks
Thanks for your interest, stug3.
I can understand that your suggestion is a very good idea for academic researchers but it does not look realistic for me to introduce these many boring picutures which occupy 90% of them even with my translation/explanation for each shot. I hear that Japan National Diet Library is preparing to release them with English explanation in the near future. Membership is requested for browsing and is also limited to people living in Japan at the moment but this will be lifted then.


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