Picture of the Day - Miscellaneous (4 Viewers)

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Pearl Harbor Attack by IJN photos.

Hickam Airfield

USS Cassin, Downes and Pennsylvania

Wheeler Airfield

Aircraft Carrier Soryu

I may be wrong but the left wingtip looks missing

Source: History Reader extra issue "Pearl Harbor Attack" (別冊・歴史読本「真珠湾攻撃」)

Isoroku Yamamoto is still worshipped by his hometown people in Nagaoka

Source: 山本五十六記念館!! (長岡・寺泊) - 旅行のクチコミサイト フォートラベル
Pearl Harbor Attack by IJN photos.

Hickam Airfield
View attachment 750423

USS Cassin, Downes and Pennsylvania
View attachment 750424

Wheeler Airfield
View attachment 750425

Aircraft Carrier Soryu
View attachment 750426

I may be wrong but the left wingtip looks missing
View attachment 750427

Source: History Reader extra issue "Pearl Harbor Attack" (別冊・歴史読本「真珠湾攻撃」)

Isoroku Yamamoto is still worshipped by his hometown people in Nagaoka
View attachment 750428

Source: 山本五十六記念館!! (長岡・寺泊) - 旅行のクチコミサイト フォートラベル
It looks like an A6M3-32?
Pacific War seen by military painter Shori Arai(1895-1972).

View attachment 750592
Source: Pacific War Painting Masterpiece Collection
Pacific War seen by military painter Shori Arai(1895-1972).

View attachment 750592
Source: Pacific War Painting Masterpiece Collection (1967)

View attachment 750590View attachment 750591
Source: 従軍画家「新井勝利」

I loved that first picture since I was a kid!

Thanks for posting my friend!
I loved that first picture since I was a kid!

Thanks for posting my friend!
Thanks Jim.

Shori Arai(1895-1972) stayed on a aircraft carrier in Truk Island in 1943 as a military painter.
On the first day he arrived, he did not notice his old friend there but looked awkward accompanied with an IJN officer to Michitaro Takeda(1906-1997) as also a military journalist from Asahi Shinbun.

Takeda: Hey! Aren't you Arai-san?
Arai: .....Oh, Takeda-san. I have met a Buddha in hell!
Officer: Hell? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha........HA HA HA:mad:

Shori Arai in Truk, 1943
Shori_ Arai_Truk_1943.jpg

Source: 30 Years as Art Jounalist (1962)

His other works

Source: 従軍画家「新井勝利」


View: https://twitter.com/kurooribe/status/1190274631833288704/photo/1

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