Picture of the day.

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I don't know if this is true.

During WWII, soldiers placed photos of their loved ones under the clear grips of their government-issued pistols -- dubbed sweetheart grips

Soldiers stationed far from home during World War II found a creative way to keep their loved ones close to them. Many of them carried photographs of their wives or girlfriends with them and kept them tucked in their pockets, helmets, or cigarette cases, Then the servicemen discovered that clear, durable Plexiglas that was used to make windows on airplanes, trucks, and other military vehicles. Inventive, homesick soldiers discovered that they could take a piece of Plexiglas from a downed plane and carve it in the shape of their gun's grip. They could unscrew the wooden grip, slide in a photo of their girl, and screw on the clear, Plexiglas grip. The personalized gun grips became known as "sweetheart grips."


Sad story.

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Sad story. Almost 60,000 Americans were lost in the Vietnam war, each with their own story. War is such a terrible thing, especially when multiplied by terrible incompetent leadership.😢
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