Picture of the day. (8 Viewers)

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Are those two halves of one armored car?
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Bomb falling from B-17F 42-30705 of the 414th BS, 97th BG during raid on the German U-Boat pens at Toulon 1943 Missing in Action Rimini (Italy) 27/11/43 with Capt Marvin Waldroup, Co-pilot: Oscar Stedman, Navigator: George Shube, Bombardier: Walter Parks, Flight engineer/top turret gunner: Ray Shipe, Radio Operator: Clarry Vaughn, Ball turret gunner: Joe Christie, Waist gunner: Jim Melton, Waist gunner: Jim Sandiford,Tail gunner: Melton Snyder 10MIA); enemy aircraft, Missing Air Crew Report 1303.


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