Picture of the day. (1 Viewer)

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Proof Old Adolph was on crack

Shooting the Hood in germanpropaganda

View attachment 746609

Interesting pistole.
Never seen that barrel extension before....unless its something else, but it looks like an extension on the end of the barrel to me.
Will have to investigate that one.
Thanks for showing us that one, Snautzer.
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You are welcome, Thor ! :thumbleft:
Since I joined this forum, I frankly have been being surprised to know how Japan was misunderstood and little known its historical facts by the western countries. Japan was a decent democratic country and Japanese were enjoying the western lifestyle freely until 1940 when Fumimaro Konoe took power as PM and halted the parliamentary democracy asked by the army.
I think there might be something missing about China, Manchuria, and Korea in your comment.
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