Picture of the day. (5 Viewers)

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.... The Soviet Leadership (PBUT) well knew that cleanliness is next to godliness ... fantastic symbolism

Lyudmila Pavlichenko - Hero of the Soviet Union, was awarded two Orders of Lenin, one of the most successful sniper during World War II. She has 309 confirmed hits, including 36 snipers Hitler. In 42 she was wounded, and after discharge from the hospital, sent on a tour of Canada, the US and the UK.
#4500 Yes.

I have seen a docu with a English tank commander. He drove into a camp and something melted. Kept on shooting till all ammo including hand gun was gone. He was not sorry for that but found it very hard to life with himself after that.

Also i read an account of a Dutch SS (fighting) soldier . Being captured by western allied forces was no guaranty to getting to the prisoners camps, let alone these human mistakes guarding these camps
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