Picture of the day. (1 Viewer)

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You know, I also thought those guys looked like the actors.
The conversation went "Nein, you are going der wrong way. Der 'Oscars' are down der strasse there."
"Ach, b*gger !" (in Irish and Scots).
And after turning around, in the following post :-
"Ach, grosse b*gger. Now in der verdammt traffic jam we are being stuck, und der red carpet is covered mit der cr@p from der tank tracks. I knew I should have stayed Upstairs und Downstairs !!"
"....I'm clearly spending too much time looking at these pics!"

The wealth of detail in each is worth the time looking .... unlike film frames which are a sequence (24/second) .... these still pictures are an observer's POV at a precise moment ... composed to tell a story ... set a scene ... and there were no motor drives.

I admit it's become a bit of an obsession for me ... but not a time waster
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