Picture of the day. (2 Viewers)

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The germans blew it up again in 1943 when they in turn retreated. Or rather they further destroyed it as it had not been repaired from the 1941 Aug destruction by soviet troops. Interesting Russian language version of the story here: История ДнепроГЭСа. Взрыв и восстановление. google translate makes the page readable. Contrary to earlier versions of the account no warning to Soviet civilians or even other Soviet troops was given. Subsequently estimates as high as 100,000.00 plus civilian casualties are now accepted as likely.

The dam as it appears today:

Contrary to earlier versions of the account no warning to Soviet civilians or even other Soviet troops was given. Subsequently estimates as high as 100,000.00 plus civilian casualties are now accepted as likely. View attachment 377256

That's what happens when people cease to be viewed as humans but merely an expendable resource in support of a "higher ideal".

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