Picture of the day. (1 Viewer)

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... no fuel tanks on the back deck ..?

Why no if yes... these big boxes at the back plate were the additional fuel tanks. In the pic below you may notice the another type of the external fuel tanks used for the T-34. The closest tank in the pic , has a single rectangular box attached to the side at the back while the front vehicle has the double set of these attached at the side plate and going from the ahead to the back.

T-34 Crimea 1942.jpg

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accounts of entire units leaving positions facing the advancing Russians and heading towards the west to surrender to anything but Russian troops.
After what they had done in Russia and what they could expect in retribution, can you blame them?

Flying Officer E M "Imshi" Mason of No. 274 Squadron RAF Detachment relaxes on his parachute after hitchhiking by air and road back to the Detachment's base at Gazala, Libya, following an aerial combat 10 miles west of Martuba in which he shot down three Italian Fiat CR 42s, and then had to force-land near his victims. Mason was at this time the most successful fighter pilot in the Western Desert, having shot down 13 enemy aircraft during the First Libyan campaign, all with 274 Squadron. He added a further two victories in Malta and Iran, flying with No. 261 Squadron RAF. He was posted back to the Western Desert in January 1942 to take command of No. 94 Squadron RAF and was shot down and killed on 15 February while leading this unit on its first operation flying the new Curtiss Kittyhawk. Mason was noted for being the only bearded pilot in the RAF
I have posted this shot before, I believe, but I love the detail, especially the knife ... I have the exact same in my night stand ... inherited from an old Estonian gentlemen who was an avid marksman and maintenance mechanic for a GM plant.
Is he stockpiling or loading up ..?
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