Picture of the day.

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Good pic :thumbright: Probably my favourite ww2 tank. There's just something majestic about the Tiger. I guess the name, it's sheer presence, coupled with the famous 88mm cannon and pretty decent armour (At least where the Western Allies were concerned). I read once the first time the Russians came across a tiger they called it the elephant, because of a drawing on the turret. But it's one of those details that's hard to corroborate....
A B-25 Mitchell from the 405th Bomb Squadron, "Green Dragons", 38th Bomb Group, 5th Air Force

View attachment 381229

This photos shows one of the B-25C Mitchelles of the 30th BS 3 BG.
Looks like they are doing their 'skip bombing' technique.

Judging by the background, this was taken at the same time as the other 30th BS photos you have posted further down this thread.

Very interesting selecting of images. Thanks for posting.
Yes, considering the design never left the drawing board i'd say it was a model. Although it looks pretty good. A bit like a Tiger on steroids lol. Krupps super heavy tank. Specs would have been x5 man crew. Weight 90 tons. Armour 140mm thick/sloping front. Side 100mm. Centre mounted 105mm L71 high velocity main cannon. Top speed of 22mph
Project was cancelled by Hitler himself.

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