Picture of the day. (2 Viewers)

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sorry. I forgot to name ppl in the photo.
It shows a group of Iranian Generals on 1st of Farvardin 1317 (21st Mar. 1939)
from left to right:

Sarlashgar Mohtashami, Sartip Amidi, Sarlashgar Iraj Matbooiee, Sartip Ahmad Nakhjavan (Air force), Sarlashgar Hadi Atabay (chief of Military Medicine college), Sartip Hasan Meymanad, Sarlashgar Ahmad Moini, Sartip Fazlollah Zahedi, Sartip Ali Asqar Naqdi, Sartip Abdolreza Afkhami.

Sarlashgar = Major General / 2 star General.
Sartip = Brigadier / Brigadier General / 1 star General.

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