Picture of the day. (2 Viewers)

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I am struck by the youth in their faces ... the oldest 21 maybe 22 ... the colorization really brings that home in a way that B&W doesn't. They're Brits but they may as well have been Canadian boys except Canadians didn't use rockets on their T's. You rarely see that innocence in young faces today ... everything is about the moment .... an act. Young sports teams sometimes convey that wide-eyed, confidence ... and of course pilots still do. But these boys were literally out of high school ...
Caption - "November 12, 1942. "Jap radio tuned in on U.S. -- Marine communicators found this radio set which was left behind by the Japs on Guadalcanal, and use it to listen in on U.S. broadcasts in their leisure time. The Marines are (left to right) Cpl. James Shadduck, Pvt. Alex N. Incinelli, Pvt. Robert Galer, Cpl. Sidney B. Land and Pvt. Arthur D. Roda, and part of their job is to see that the messages get through." New York World-Telegram & Sun newsphoto."

Source - Shorpy.com


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