Pictures of Cold War aircraft. (3 Viewers)

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Years ago I gave on old friend of mine a 1/72 AMT model of a KC-135A. He had worked on KC-135 at Tinker AFB when we were both there. He was going to build the kit with his kids and, being very meticulous and exacting he went down the list of paints shown as needed in the kit. He said it required two different colors of white. Gloss white for top of the fuselage and flat white for the toilet paper in the bathroom.

I asked, "Jim, can you see the toilet paper in the bathroom when the kit is assembled? After all, the window looking into the bathroom is about 1/8 inch square." He replied that I might have a good point.
Talking of toilet paper. PBY-5 Catalina and yes it was visible through the window of the completed model.


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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