Pictures of Cold War aircraft. (2 Viewers)

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I guess not quite the same point of view. It did not engage nor escort bombers up north like the Phantom, so my reading of the question would have been pre 75, for that matter 73!
I realise that, hence why I started with "Well technically…".
They wouldn't have even tried using the AIM-54A even if allowed to, as it was not designed to kill a maneuvering fighter... it was to kill Soviet 4-engine bombers and large anti-ship missiles launched from those.

Not until the AIM-54C, which replaced the AIM-54A in the early 1980s, could the Phoenix take on tactical aircraft-sized maneuvering targets.

The F-14 would have done just fine with a AIM-7/AIM-9 loadout... like this (4 each):

Or this (5 Sparrow 3 Sidewinder):

The 54 is no even in issue as it's very nature is for long range heavy targets, even the AIM-7 is for beyond visual range and not for use against tactical targets, but that's what it was adapted for. With a dismal result I might add. That biggest thing the F-14 would have add, combat maneuvering and a gun. And really the Tomcat was a fleet defense fighter!
Amongst multiple innovations, the plane also did away with traditional stick or yolk controls

What happens when they get aske a question and the shrug I don't know?

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