Pictures of Cold War aircraft. (1 Viewer)

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U.S. Navy McDonnell F-4N Phantom II from Fighter Squadron VF-51 Screaming Eagles intercepts a Soviet-built Libyan Tupolev Tu-22 "Blinder" over the Mediterranean Sea, circa in April 1977. The Tu-22 bomber was being delivered to Libya. VF-51 was assigned to Carrier Air Wing 19 aboard the aircraft carrier USS Franklin D. Roosevelt (CV-42) for a deployment to the Mediterranean Sea from 4 October 1976 to 21 April 1977.
Nice. But please source the pics.
Maybe was it the one shot down by the French with a Hawk missile in the vicinity of N'Djamena on september 7, 1987.
I've shot AIM-7s at a few of those. Has a T-37 engine.

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