Pictures of Cold War aircraft.

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Nah…just Pigs. I was there at Amberley when they flew for the last time. Will dig up some photos from the day.
I was introduced to them in Pitch Black back in 83 or 84. In Darwin on the ramp in the BRA (Bomber Recovery Area) all of a sudden the ground shook and the windows shook and I was on my knees wondering what just hit me. I looked up and a 111 wings in full sweep burners hot and not 500' AGL screaming away. It came over the radio shortly after that the BAR had been taken out. DAMN!

A8-125 First F-111 to land in Australia in 1973, last to land in 2010:

I was standing against these containers for most of the display - in fact, that was my boss in the photo:

Old and New:

The End:



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Here is another pic... note the spoilers deployed on the upper wing surfaces... this is actually the B-52's primary steering control, not the very small rudder.
The vertical fin was mostly for yaw stability. The reason the landing gear are lowered is that they helped provide more directional (yaw) stability. Every square inch was important!

A better look at the spoilers:

Note the small size of the rudder (the small strip at the trailing edge of the fin):

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something is so beautiful about these planes

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